کتاب «زن، ستم تاریخی، ستم برابری» تالیف نعیمه اسلاملو و محمدحسن زمانوزیری به بررسی جایگاه و منزلت زن در جوامع گوناگون پرداخته و تعابیر مختلفی از زن را از نظر اندیشمندان غربی و از دیدگاه اسلام بازگو میکند.-
The second chapter looks at women's rights. In the chapter, the authors argue that some of the rights recently recognized for women in the modern world were well highlighted by Islamic instructions over 13 centuries ago.
The third chapter of the book is a critique on feminism. As believed by many of its followers as the fight for justice for women which has turned out to be somewhat the opposite in the modern world undermining women's real role in the society.
The issue of men and women as rivals rather than complements is discussed in the fourth chapter of the book. Eye-catching and, in many instances, moving statistics have been brought in the chapter about the emotional as well as physical impacts of the destructive fight between men and women on women.
The 5th reprint of the book has been published in Iran by Telavat Aramesh Publications.
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